Letters for change
Help make a difference in the lives of native wildlife by sharing your knowledge with your community.
Illegal glue trap letters
It is illegal to stock and sell glue traps in Victoria under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019. Glue traps can cause significant injury to native wildlife who get caught in the trap and often their injuries are fatal. Download the below letter and send it to any retailers you find who are illegally stocking glue traps.

Safe wildlife netting
As of September 2021, it become illegal to sell or use netting on domestic fruit trees unless the netting holes were no bigger than 5mm by 5mm fully stretched.
Illegal netting with holes larger than 5mm by 5mm can cause wildlife to become entangled and trapped in it. Most birds and animals (including the threatened grey-headed flying fox) trapped in these nets will need to be euthanised as their injuries can be very severe.
Download the below letters if you see someone in your community using illegal residential netting or if you see a retail store selling illegal netting.